

John Roberts

A report in the travel pages of a UK Sunday newspaper 40 years ag captured the imagination of a young journalist. It told of "a cluster of 15 reef-fringed specks" where a river of orange juice ran through the capital island, signs warned unsuspecting diners of falling breadfruit and the Prime Minister's office was "up the stairs at the back of the post office". That journalist was me and the specks were (and are) the Cook Islands. It was the start of a love affair which continues to this day.  Over the years I’ve made multiple visits and written and broadcast about the Islands. I built and run single handedly the most complete guide on the net to all of the Cook Islands and have written book about them called “Around the Corner from Nowhere” (which is pretty accurate way of describing the location of this South Pacific paradise)



Ian Rankin

Born in the Kingdom of Fife in 1960, Ian Rankin graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1982, and then spent three years writing novels when he was supposed to be working towards a PhD in Scottish Literature.  His first Rebus novel, Knots & Crosses, was published in 1987 and his latest, Midnight and Blue has just ben published. Rebus also features in a stage play and television series

Guest appearance on:


Karla Eggleton, Cook Islands Tourism CEO


Nick Henry, Mayor of Aitutaki

Nick Henry was elected Mayor of Aitutaki in September, 2024. His island is the second most visited in the Cook Islands and boasts a stunningly beautiful lagoon. 

Guest appearance on:


Rashneel Kumar, Editor of 'Cook Islands News'

Fijian, Rashneel Kumar studied journalism at the University of the South Pacific before joining the ‘Fiji Times’ as a reporter.  He moved to ‘Cook Islands News’ nearly 10 years ago and took over the job of editor in 2020. His paper has a history of frequent clashes with politicians over regulation and five years ago, they tried to ban him from reporting on Parliament for his coverage of their travel allowances, but ultimately decided against it.  Rashneel sees it as an essential part of the paper’s job to hold elected politicians accountable, as he explains in the podcast. He has a team of just three reporters helping him cover a nation of 13 inhabited islands which are spread across thousands of miles of the South Pacific Ocean.

Cook Islands News website:


Robert Skews

Robert Skews has lived a life and love of travel and tourism and  according to his own records, he's flown the equivalent of 114 times around the world!  He's a Kiwi by birth but has spent the past 35 years in the Cook Islands and is passionate about sharing his adopted homeland with the world

Guest appearance on:


Stella Neale

Stella Neale was born on remote Palmerston in the Cook Islands in 1958 where she’s returned to live and from where she spoke to me for this podcast.  She’s directly descended from William Marsters who founded a dynasty on Palmerston in the 19th century. Although administratively part of the Cooks, that island is owned in perpetuity by William’s descendants. Stella’s mother, Sarah Marsters first met Tom Neale in 1942 when she arrived on Rarotonga from Palmerston. The couple married in 1956, two years after Tom’s return from his first stay on Suwarrow.  Stella trained and worked as a nurse and is now retired, but has found a new pleasure in writing and has begun sharing some of her work on her Facebook page. 


Guest appearance on:


Tom Robinson

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Vanessa Cooper