Cook Islands Kukicast

Why the Cook Islands should be on every bucket list

John Roberts

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The Cook Islands are a very long way from anywhere unless you happen to live in New Zealand…and even then they’re a three and a half hour plane journey away.  So how do you persuade people from the UK, Europe and the USA to discover this remote South Pacific Paradise? That’s the challenge facing Robert Skews every day as he promotes the Islands through his Cook Islands’ businesses ‘Island Hopper Vacations’ and the ‘Turama Pacific Travel Group’. 

His focus is very much on the Northern hemisphere market and in this episode he explains why the Islands should be on everyone’s bucket list wherever they live... and even if the Islands are “around the corner from nowhere” (the title of my book about the Cooks, by the way).  He explains what makes them so special and how they’re offering a unique experience. 

Robert was part of a small team promoting the islands to key tour operators in the UK, Europe and the US when I caught up with him, and he was joined on his mission by colleague Stephen Doherty. In a answers to some quick fire questions, the pair also provide a very personal view on the place they call home and why they want to share it with the world.

I'm a retired BBC radio and TV journalist and presenter who's been having a long distance love affair with the Cook Islands for nearly 40 years and I've featured in media worldwide as an acknowledged expert on this remote islands nation. CONTACT ME if you'd like to sponsor this podcast or just want to ask questions about the Cook Islands. Email kiaoranawebsiteauthor(at) (Replace “at” with @)

Whether you're planning a visit or just armchair travelling, you'll discover stories of buried treasure, ghostly fire, real-life Robinson Crusoes and the mafia, and a wealth of useful information. 'Around the Corner from Nowhere: The Cook Islands Rediscovered' is available as an ebook ( or paperback ( through Amazon. All profits are donated to dementia charities

My website is the most detailed guide on the net at Cook Islands complete guide. It's also THE ONLY TOTALLY INDEPENDENT GUIDE ON THE INTERNET with information about each and every one of the 15 islands

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